Museum Reports category for articles

Jurmala Airport Air Zoo

Just 40 miles west of the Latvian capital Riga in the small sleepy town of Tukums sits Jurmala Airport. Once a Soviet air base, the site is now home to an interesting yet largely unknown museum concept known as the Jurmala Airport Air Zoo. Conceived initially by KSAvia, Duncan Monk visited for AeroResource to find [...]

By | February 4th, 2018|Historic Reports, Museum Reports|4 Comments

93rd Bomb Group Museum

During World War Two the shape of the Norfolk countryside was transformed with a multitude of airfields being built to support British and American forces operating over Europe and further afield. Whilst many of the airfields and memories may be long since gone, a few small groups of dedicated individuals work to ensure history is not [...]

By | January 26th, 2016|Museum Reports|1 Comment

L’Epopee de l’Industrie et de l’Aeronautique

Hidden away in a nondescript industrial estate in the French town of Albert lies L'Epopee de l'Industrie et de l'Aeronautique - unknown to many who pass through. This collection of aircraft, vehicles and other varied items may be off the beaten track but is it worth seeking it out? Adam Duffield takes a look at [...]

By | January 21st, 2016|Museum Reports|0 Comments

Smithsonian Institution Washington

The Smithsonian Institution comprises of 19 free national museums that hold some of the most significant documents and artefacts in American history. Two of these, located in downtown Washington D.C and Chantilly, VA, make up Smithsonian Air and Space. AeroResource correspondent Michael Lovering reports from the US capital. Museum Information Washington D.C. is a remarkable [...]

By | August 18th, 2014|Museum Reports|1 Comment

Newark Air Museum – 40th Anniversary

On the 14th April 1973 the Newark Air Museum in Nottinghamshire officially opened its doors. Adam Duffield takes a look at the museum, its history and exhibits as it celebrates its 40th anniversary. Newark Air Museum (NAM) is one of the UK’s largest volunteer managed aviation museums with over 23,000 visitors last year and is [...]

By | April 13th, 2013|Museum Reports|1 Comment

Lackland Gateway Heritage Foundation

During late October 2012 AeroResource's Mark Forest and Jason Grant spent the day with Colonel (retired) Jaime Vazquez, President of Lacklands Gateway Heritage Foundation and visited the many aircraft preserved by the foundation along with the many other exhibits preserved round the base. Set in the largest organisation in the Department of Defence Lackland Air [...]

By | February 3rd, 2013|Museum Reports|1 Comment