Historic Reports category for articles

Turkish Air Force Phantom’s turn 50!

Over the weekend of November 16/17, 2024, the Turkish Air Force (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri) celebrated the 50th anniversary of their F-4E Phantom Terminator 2020 in service at the Ist Main Jet Base Eskişehir; the operational home base for 111 Filo and the test unit 401 Filo. With aviation press and enthusiasts in attendance, what transpired was a truly exceptional event and Chris Lofting was there for AeroResource to provide his own personal experience of proceedings.

By | December 16th, 2024|Historic Reports, News|0 Comments

Jurmala Airport Air Zoo

Just 40 miles west of the Latvian capital Riga in the small sleepy town of Tukums sits Jurmala Airport. Once a Soviet air base, the site is now home to an interesting yet largely unknown museum concept known as the Jurmala Airport Air Zoo. Conceived initially by KSAvia, Duncan Monk visited for AeroResource to find [...]

By | February 4th, 2018|Historic Reports, Museum Reports|4 Comments

Hawker Siddeley Harrier T4A XW271

From its initial conception and drawings made in 1957 by Ralph Hooper, the P.1127/P.1154/Kestrel went on to become the well-known and much loved icon of British aviation - the Hawker Siddeley Harrier. The first production Harrier GR1 (XV738) was flown for the first time on December 28, 1967 by Hawker Test Pilot Duncan Simpson OBE [...]

By | April 4th, 2016|Historic Reports|2 Comments

WT333 First Flight 60th Anniversary

On 30th January, the quiet surroundings of Bruntingthorpe were replaced with the roar of jet engines as one of the airfield’s most colourful residents celebrated a huge milestone. Jamie Ewan was among the gathered guests as resident English Electric Canberra WT333 – better known as ‘Treble Three’ - celebrated 60 years to the very day [...]

By | February 29th, 2016|Historic Reports|1 Comment

Bomber Command – Interview Part One

Harry Irons’ logbook has been heavily used.  The yellowing pages present information in a simple, emotionless context, but each and every entry has a story attached to it.  In amongst the numerous training flights and air-tests are red entries, denoting an operation – no fewer than sixty.  Steve Smith speaks to Sergeant Harry Irons DFC [...]

By | February 12th, 2013|Historic Reports|7 Comments

8th Air Force – The Mighty Eighth

August 1942 saw the commencement of operations of what was to become the biggest daylight bombing force ever assembled.  The Eighth Air Force of the United States Army Air Force (as it was then) came to be known as “The Mighty Eighth” and with good reason.  Steve Smith takes a brief look back for AeroResource. [...]

By | October 10th, 2012|Historic Reports|1 Comment

Coningsby Burials – Lest We Forget

If you look hard enough, in the cemeteries surrounding any given airbase, you are bound to come across headstones belonging to the brave crewmen from those bases, which paid the ultimate price.  Steve Smith recounts forgotten events for AeroResource… I often find time on my base visits to spend a few minutes in a [...]

By | July 30th, 2010|Historic Reports|13 Comments

The Bloody Hundredth

Harry Herbert Crosby, Group Navigator, 100th Bomb Group (1919-2010) and “The Bloody Hundredth” Two hours later, our formation together, we made a dogleg as we crossed the coast.  The Colonel came on intercom. “Crosby, look at your 100th” I stood up in my compartment and looked out the celestial dome.  There as high group of [...]

By | July 30th, 2010|Historic Reports|5 Comments