Events category for articles

Edwards AFB Airshow & Open House 2022

Edwards AFB Airshow & Open House 2022 Edwards AFB Airshow & Open House 2022: In the 13 years since Edwards air force base last hosted an air show, a lot has changed. Fifth generation aircraft now rule the skies and innovation is driving new technologies for America and her allies. The development and testing of [...]

By | November 20th, 2022|Airshow Reports, Event Reports|0 Comments

NAS Lemoore – Airshow 2019

Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, California, has been a key location on the map since its completion in 1961, fulfilling a requirement to support the Pacific Fleet of the United States Navy. After eight years, NAS Lemoore returned to the US airshow calendar. Lockheed Martin F-35C VFA-125 Rough Raiders NAS Lemoore is firmly established and [...]

By | October 25th, 2019|Airshow Reports|0 Comments

Royal International Air Tattoo 2018

With over 300 aircraft arriving at RAF Fairford to help celebrate the Royal Air Force’s centenary, AeroResource’s Jamie Ewan joined the masses descending on the airfield with one question on his mind – would the Royal Air Force and Douglas Bader House (DBH) pull out all the stops for what was their official ‘international’ celebration [...]

By | September 17th, 2018|Airshow Reports, Event Reports|1 Comment

Luke AFB Airshow 2018

2018 falls exactly 100 years on from the end of the First World War and it was not by coincidence that this significant anniversary was celebrated during Luke AFB Airshow 2018. At the home of the 56th Fighter Wing (FW), Luke Air Force Base (AFB) is itself intrinsically linked to the First World War through [...]

By | August 30th, 2018|Airshow Reports, Event Reports|0 Comments

RNAS Yeovilton Air Day 2018

Over recent years, the line-up at RNAS Yeovilton Air Day has boasted many unique and rare items and 2018 was to be no different. With clear skies, high temperatures and a display both in the air and on the ground that many shows could only dream of, the question was could Yeovilton Air Day 2018 [...]

By | August 2nd, 2018|Airshow Reports, Event Reports|0 Comments

NATO Tiger Meet 2018 Spotters Day

For aviation enthusiasts, the annual Tiger Meet exercise is one of the most anticipated military gatherings held in Europe thanks to a wide array of participating aircraft and more often than not the special schemes that are applied to them for the event. For NATO Tiger Meet 2018, it was the turn of 6 Eskadra [...]

By | May 25th, 2018|Event Reports, Exercise Reports|2 Comments

Navy Wings II with

Following on from the highs of their Cosford Nightshoot just the week before, it was the turn of the Senior Service to take the limelight. Dubbed Navy Wings II, Jamie Ewan made his way to RNAS Yeovilton, the home of Navy Wings, in March 2018 for a night with some of their collection along [...]

By | May 13th, 2018|Event Reports, Nightshoots|0 Comments

RAF Cosford Nightshoot

Having opened their 2018 season with a chance to capture one of the world’s rarest aeroplanes (the Reid and Sigrist R.S.4 Bobsleigh), it was the turn of one particular F-4 Phantom to receive the treatment. Joining some 200-odd photographers as RAF Cosford opened its doors once again, AeroResource’s Jamie Ewan was on hand for [...]

By | April 3rd, 2018|Event Reports, Nightshoots|0 Comments

Lightning Preservation Group – ORP Scramble

With the 2017 ‘offseason’ in full swing, November 4th saw the turn of the Lightning Preservation Group and their English Electric icons to provide an aviation solace with their annual Twilight run. Billed this year as an ‘ORP Scramble’, Jamie Ewan made his way up to their home at Bruntingthorpe for an ear-shattering night and [...]

By | February 4th, 2018|Event Reports|0 Comments